So, my sister Katie, who I refer to as my blogmaster, informed me that I was long overdue for a new post. So here we children in their Halloween costumes, and might I add that it hasn't even been 2 whole weeks since Halloween so I was thinking I was doing good!
They all chose what they wanted to be although Mason might have had a bit of urging from me. I did give him options-Quincy's old Peter Pan costume or Britton's old Captian Hook one. In the end he thought that a pirate was way cooler than a boy who wears tights (It was a proud moment for Kelly!) Mason thought that Ashley should have been Christine from Phantom of the Opera since Quincy was the Phantom, but Tinker Bell won out. And we can't forget our cool Indiana Jones! The poor guy wan't up to his heroic self the night of Halloween and didn't make it out to trick-or-treat. Luckily he has a sister who dearly loves him and gave him half of her Halloween candy.
I must say that I have some pretty generous kids. After they got done counting their loot they gave my handfuls of good stuff and I didn't even ask! (Well I might of asked for the Milk Duds). I was not that generous with my parents...My Dad was lucky if he got a few tootsie rolls and the candy with the coconut I didn't like!
I was a fun Halloween with crisp fall air and beautiful fall colors (we haven't had real Fall Halloween for a few years!) We definetely need to thank Grandma Perkes though. We couldn't have been so fashionable without her hard work. My kids think it's the best that they can tell their Grandma what they want to be every year and she delivers! Thank-you Lindsey and Dustin also, for the loan of Indiana's hat and coat!
You are out of the dog house...the blogmaster is pleased. :)
I'm so sad that Britton was sick. That's like the worst night of the year to be under the weather. How extremely generous of miss Ashley. Wow, I would have been too selfish when I was that age. But looking back, I'm pretty sure my oder sister would have just talked me into anyways making me think it was MY idea all along! :)
Awesome costumes! I love being at that point when the kids have options from previous years and siblings! Especially when they change their mind at the last minute!
Awesome costumes! Kindra particularly loves Quincy's Phantom of the Opera.
Lucky! I had to bribe Braden to share the good stuff; he of course more than willingly shared the candy he didn't like (which is the same thing I did as a kid).
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