Monday, October 27, 2008

Anatomy of a Run...(Without Mason)

8:oo am- The kids have just headed out the door for school and I think to myself...

I really should go running now. Hmmm...I had better just do these dishes really fast, oh yeah...I need to put that load of laundry in the dryer...Mason and Ashley's room is a mess, I'll just shut the door.

9:00 am- I finally put on my running clothes, brush my teeth, then Mason wants a fruit snack and for me to change the channel to Go, Diego, Go. I decide that I should put that other load of laundry into the wash.

9:30 am- I put on my running shoes, get my Ipod, kiss Mason and Kelly goodbye and I'm out the door...Yay! (Huge accomplishment!)

I get everything adjusted, turn on the music, and I'm off...

"Brrr, it's cold out here...It'll be warmer as soon as I get going a bit...Maybe I won't go as far today, I'm tired...No, I need to burn off all that Halloween candy I sneaked when the kids were in bed...Some hot tamales and a butterfinger sound good...Maybe I'll go to Ross and look for some running shirts, I only have two that are long sleeved...Why did I put this song on my playlist...I hope I don't trip while I am changing the song...I wonder how long I've been running...I hope I can get a nap today...Here comes my neighbor walking her dog...Wow, it's pretty amazing how I speed up when I pass someone...What should I have for lunch...This Avril Lavigne song makes me run faster...I wonder what it would look like if I painted my fingernails black...I really like these houses...I wonder how many bedrooms they have...Here comes the big hill...I hope that nobodies there...I look funny going down it...I wonder if it is to cold for snakes now...That is a huge ant hill...There is a big banana spider...I wonder if it gets to cold for them...If I fell down and broke my leg, how would I get home...It would be nice to walk for a while...I really enjoy wearing those size 4 jeans...I won't stop and walk...I would really like a new dress...I need to go to the store and get some milk...Maybe I could run a half-marathon...I should shave my legs today...What am I going to wear after I shower...I should clean the bathroom...Wow, I'm almost there...Glad I didn't quit...I do like running...When I'm done!...And when I put on my clothes and they're loose..."

Stay tuned for Anatomy of a Run...(With Mason!)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Where has time gone?

I am now the mother of a twelve year old. I know...Gasp, gasp! It truly seems like just yesterday that he was that little boy who loved to sing, I Am A Child of God, watch Barney, and devise more ways to cheat at Candyland (this was before he was even two!) How can it be that your little boy can go from this...

To this.... 

In just a blink of an eye! Here he is with Kelly as they were heading out to the priesthood session of conference. I vividly remember being his age and sadly, I remember thinking my parents were pretty old! (Sorry mom and dad, I guess what goes around comes around!) I am grateful for the awesome man he is turning into. I could have never asked for a better son. He is pretty amazing and we are grateful for the opportunity to watch him grow although it does make us feel a little aged sometimes. We love you Quincy! You are the best and we are so blessed to call you our son!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Our Newest Reader!

Ashley is in first grade and has reached that point in everyone's life where the whole world has opened up and you can read! It never gets old to hear your child read every street sign, store front, label etc. with a voice of amazement because they realize that these things called words have always been there, but they now can be read. The two older boys both enjoy reading, especially Quincy, but I see Ashley surpassing even he in the future. I rarely find her now without a book. This is how Kelly and I found her one night when we went to check on her before we went to bed. The other night I found a large stack of books that she was hiding underneath her blankets so she could read them after I put her to bed. Being an avid reader since I was her age I do have to say that I am already planning for the future and being able to introduce to her all the books I love...The boxcar children, Nancy Drew, Trixie Belden, The Hardy Boys and the list goes on! I guess I shouldn't be surprised at her love of reading though. She is related to her Grandpa Perkes. He is always reading something, even if it's just the back of a cereal box! He even goes to our public library when he comes to visit. And I can't leave my mom out of this. She has discovered her own love of books recently and after having only read two full length novels throughout her life she read 4 in the course of 3 weeks last month. (We have Stephanie Meyers to thank for that!) Yay mom! So to all you readers out there, join me in welcoming Ashley Ann Laing to our world! 

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Banana Spider

Every morning Mason and I go for a run along the Alabama River. Kelly calls it our nature run since Mason loves to recount all the animals, plants, trees, birds, bugs, and "yes" even spiders. Really LARGE spiders. They are called banana spiders and are about the size of the palm of your hand. There are huge webs between every branch and tree and a spider right in the middle of each one. (Did I mention that they aren't poisonous? As if that really matters!!) These are Mason's favorites and he loves to point them all out for me.

Soooo.....We were running one morning and the air was kind of smelly. (This is the south, paper mills abound!) I said to Mason, "It's kind of smelly today isn't it? I think it's the river or the paper mill." In which he replies to me, "No, mom! It's the banana spider poop!" 

Oh, does that boy make me smile!!!

We're Back!

After a big break I have renewed my motivation to keep my blog updated! (I know, I know, it took me long enough, right?!) A big shout out to my sister Katie who designed a fresh new look for it! We are now in a new home and state. Kelly is attending the Air Command and Staff College here in Montgomery, Alabama and we live on Maxwell Air Force Base. We really are loving it here in the south. I have decided that I'm a southern girl at heart! (Cockroaches, sweltering, humidity filled summers and all!) The kids are enjoying themselves, especially having the school right across the street. The picture above is the kids out front of the house with Mason not cooperating.  And this next picture is after I bribed him to smile. You know...whatever works!!